The learners at Highlands are involved in a wide range of EOTC activities. We believe EOTC is an incredibly important part of learning and encourage our teachers to take learners outside the school gate for learning
Year 7 Camp
Year 7 students take part in an overnight class camp based at school during term 1 (2 days 1 night).
The aim of these camps are to foster relationships with their classmates, their teacher and their whanau leader. It is also a great chance to explore their new school and get to know their way around better.
Over the 2 days the students will take part in a Highlands scavenger hunt, sports, games, a day trip where they will learn more about their whanau’s history and its importance to our kura, and a midnight swim in the school pool
The cost of this camp is $20 per student which covers the food costs during this time.
As we are part of the Ministry of Education donations scheme payment is not compulsory, however to make this camp viable, a voluntary contribution would be greatly appreciated. All donations made towards camp are tax deductible.
Year 8 Camp
Year 8 students attend a three day, two night camp at TOPEC (Taranaki Outdoor Pursuits and Education Centre) during term 1.
The students will do a range of old-school activities such as orienteering, bivy building (to hopefully sleep the night in), kayaking, climbing wall, tramping, a water safety programme and many more fun tasks while they are there.
As with the Year 7 class we aim to do these rarely in the year to create a strong bond within the class and with the teacher
The cost of this camp equates to $196 per student, however as we are part of the Ministry of Education donations scheme, payment is not compulsory. However in saying this, to make these camps viable a voluntary contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Any voluntary contributions can be made into our school bank account: Highlands Intermediate School
Reference Camp
Highlands Intermediate offers and strives hard in being able to offer a wide range of sporting opportunities for our students at all ability levels.
We are involved in a range of sporting events from interschool sports exchanges with our local Intermediate schools and also Whanganui Intermediate. We also attend AIMS games
A small outline per term is below (subject to change/availability/selection);
Term 1
Cricket, Inline Hockey, Inter-intermediate Swimming, Primary Schools Surfing, Weetbix Tryathalon, Summer Sports Day, Touch Rugby, Tennis
Term 2
Football, Netball, Rugby, Rugby League, Hockey, Basketball, Highlands vs Hawera Interschool, Highlands vs Manukorihi Interschool, Rippa Rugby, Table Tennis, Badminton, Mountain Biking, Indoor Bowls, Chess, Volleyball
Term 3
Football, Netball, Rugby, Hockey, Basketball, Highlands vs Devon Interschool, Highlands vs FDMC/SHGC Interschool, Highlands vs Whanganui Interschool, AIMS Games, Cross Country, Mountain Biking, Indoor Bowls, Chess, Skiing / Snowboarding, Indoor Bowls,Volleyball
Term 4
Inline Hockey, Cricket, Touch Rugby, Athletics, Bikeathon, Mt Biking, Taranaki Road Relay, Indoor Bowls, Volleyball, Tennis
CULTURAL and Music
Cultural and music activities form an integral part of life here at Highlands Intermediate. The school has a well-established and strong drama, music, and visual arts department. All students are regularly involved in the Arts and Te Ao Māori (This provides an opportunity for students to engage in Te Reo, Tikanga, and kapa haka). Te Ao Māori culminates in a sharing / performance / competition between teams and staff at the Bowl of Brooklands in New Plymouth.
We also have opportunities with out-of-school music programmes on site, a bi-annual school production, strong school choir, and a strong kapahaka performance group.